Proud to be a Healthy Kids

We learn about Life Necessities this week, we also learn about our self-health & knowledge of hygiene, and we can prove that we are healthy kids by showing it to the Doctor. A Doctor was come to visit our school, it was a great opportunity for all of us, the doctor explain to us why it is important to keep our bodies healthy and how. We also checked our height, weight, mouth, eyes, and ears and we are proudly saying that we are Healthy Kids!! 

Let us to be your Parent’s Partner at Skoebi-do Childcare

healthy kid is important
healthy kid is important, let they stay with Skoebido Childcare
healthy kid is important, skoebidoe is here
skoebido proud of you, lets grow together
this girl try to draw a tayo at skoebido
she is okay with skoebidio , we are healthy kid
she is not crying, she is okay, let Skoebido to be your partner
we can prove that we are healthy kids
they are not afraid with us, that prove we are a healthy kids
hey kids, you should be a doctor. we will support you
he is okay, he is really brave, Skoebido with them 2
he is okay, he is really brave, Skoebido with them

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